Sensational investigation: who is behind major financial collapses?

Sensational Investigation: Who is Behind Major Financial Collapses?


The financial world is a complex and dynamic system, where billions of dollars are exchanged every day. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and unfortunately, not all players in the financial game are ethical or honest. In recent years, we have witnessed several high-profile financial crashes that have had a devastating impact on the global economy. In this article, we will dig deeper into these collapses and investigate who is really behind them.

The 2008 Financial Crisis

In 2008, the world was hit by the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The collapse of the housing market in the US triggered a chain reaction of bankruptcies, bailouts, and layoffs that affected millions of people worldwide. The crisis wiped out trillions of dollars in wealth and took years to recover from. But who was responsible?

Some blame the banks, who issued risky loans and created complex financial products that even they didn’t fully understand. Others point the finger at the government, for failing to regulate the industry and protect consumers. However, there is evidence to suggest that there were other players involved, who may have had a vested interest in the collapse.

The Role of Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are investment funds that use complex strategies and leverage to generate high returns for their investors. However, they also take on significant risks and are not regulated in the same way as traditional investment funds. There is evidence to suggest that several hedge funds played a role in the 2008 financial crisis by betting against the housing market and profiting from its collapse.

One hedge fund that has been implicated in the crisis is Paulson & Co. In 2006, the hedge fund manager, John Paulson, started purchasing credit default swaps on subprime mortgage bonds, effectively betting that they would fail. When the market did collapse, Paulson & Co. made billions of dollars in profit, while millions of people lost their homes and jobs.

The 2011 European Debt Crisis

In 2011, Europe was hit by a debt crisis that threatened to destabilize the entire Eurozone. Several countries, including Greece, Portugal, and Ireland, were unable to repay their debts, and the financial markets responded with panic. The crisis led to austerity measures, political upheaval, and social unrest in many parts of Europe. But who was behind it?

Some blame the governments of the affected countries, for overspending and failing to reform their economies. Others point the finger at the European Union, for failing to prevent the crisis and imposing harsh austerity measures. However, there is evidence to suggest that there were other players involved.

The Role of Credit Rating Agencies

Credit rating agencies are companies that assess the creditworthiness of institutions and governments. Their ratings are used by investors to decide where to allocate their capital. However, these agencies have been criticized for their role in the 2011 European debt crisis. Some of the agencies were accused of giving high ratings to risky loans and investments, which contributed to the crisis.

In 2013, the US Department of Justice sued Standard & Poor’s, one of the largest credit rating agencies, for fraud, alleging that it had deliberately misrepresented the creditworthiness of mortgage-backed securities. The case was settled for $1.5 billion, but it raised questions about the impartiality and integrity of credit rating agencies.


The financial collapses of recent years have had a devastating impact on the global economy and millions of people’s lives. While there is no single cause for these crises, it is clear that there are players in the financial world who are willing to take risks and pursue profit at any cost. Hedge funds, credit rating agencies, and other financial institutions must be held accountable for their actions and regulated more closely to prevent future crises.

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